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Fusion by Enébes Tabac

Regular price $27.50


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Size: Trés Petit Corona (TPC): 4” x 40 ring gauge

Natural Wrapper (Y-12): Ecuadorian CT shade
Binder: Dominican (Cibao River Valley)
Filler: Dominican Ligero & CT Broadleaf

Maduro Wrapper (X-10): Dominican Broadleaf
Binder: Dominican (Cibao River Valley)
Filler: Dominican Ligero & CT Broadleaf


Dive into the world of the Fusion, where size defies expectation and every puff is a revelation. Crafted from the finest Cuban seed tobacco, the Fusion series—featuring the bold X-10 Maduro and the elegant Y-12 Natural—proves that greatness isn't measured in inches but in depth of flavor.

Fusion X-10 (Maduro): Embark on a sumptuous journey with the X-10, where the velvety embrace of Dominican Broadleaf Maduro wraps around your senses, delivering a symphony of espresso and cacao notes, with just a whisper of soft white pepper. Despite its compact form, the X-10 packs a delightful punch, balancing its sweetness with an understated strength that beckons the connoisseur within.

Fusion Y-12 (Natural): The Y-12, swathed in an exquisite CT shade natural wrapper, greets you with a gentle caress of cream and cedar, intertwined with earthy undertones. A hint of spice, so subtle yet captivating, complements its creamy profile, rivaling the sophistication of its more opulent counterparts.

John's latest creations are not just cigars; they are a testament to the art of cigar-making. Despite their modest size, the complexity of the Fusion series unfolds in layers, revealing nuances through each third of the smoke, promising a journey of discovery from spark to finish.

Are you prepared to challenge your expectations and indulge in a smoking experience that defies size? The Fusion series awaits, ready to captivate your palate and leave you yearning for just one more draw. Say yes to the adventure.

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