Publishing in September, 2024
Decidedly not the standard guidebook covering the same old territory of product and production, The Time Traveler's Guide to Cigar Culture is a fully illustrated blend of surprising historical anecdotes, fascinating cultural rituals, and expert practical advice.
An essential companion for today's aficionado seeking both entertainment and enlightenment in the art of cigar enjoyment.
(Cigar Culture Quotient)
Which classic cocktail, dating back to Prohibition, enhances the flavors of a bold cigar, creating the perfect pairing?
What is the secret behind 'La Aroma de Cuba,' the lost Cuban cigar brand beloved by a famous British Prime Minister, and its unexpected revival in the 21st century?
In the world of cigar etiquette, what is the cardinal rule for lighting a cigar in a social setting to avoid a faux pas among aficionados?
What are the subtle signs to look for in a cigar lounge that indicate a truly knowledgeable and passionate tobacconist?
Which U.S. President’s emergency cigar order, just before imposing a trade embargo, reshaped the American cigar market forever?
For those seeking to recreate the opulent cigar experiences of the Gilded Age, what types of cigars and accessories should be included?
Get these and so many more cigar insights and answers in this fully illustrated new volume.
In the Beginning: Indigenous Roots & Colonial Interests
Indigenous tobacco use • Colonial expansion and adoption of cigars • Social and cultural significance among indigenous peoples and colonizers
Cigar’s First Golden Age: The Victorian Era
Rise of cigar popularity • Cigar as a status symbol in Victorian society • Famous personalities and their cigar habits (e.g., Winston Churchill)
Cigars & the Working Class: More Than Just Smoke
Cigar’s role in working-class culture • Societal perceptions and variations of cigar consumption among classes
Roaring with the Twenties: Jazz, Flappers, & Cigars
Jazz Age and its link to cigar culture • Cigars as symbols of rebellion and modernity
Havana Nights: The Cuban Cigar Mystique
Cuban cigars and their global allure • Fidel Castro’s influence on cigar culture
War Fronts to Front Page: Cigars in the 20th Century
Cigars during the World Wars • Famous journalists and writers, and their love for cigars
Lights, Camera, Cigar: Hollywood’s Affair with the Leaf
Iconic film and TV moments with cigars • Famous actors known for cigar-smoking roles or personal habits
Women & the Leaf: Breaking the Mold
Historical figures like Marlene Dietrich • The role of cigars in feminist movements and symbolism
Cigars in Literature: Puffs of Inspiration
Cigar references and significances in literary works • Famous authors and their relationship with cigars
Cigar Renaissance: The 90s Boom & Beyond
The resurgence of cigar popularity • Cigar aficionado culture, publications, and clubs
Present Puffs: Cigar Culture Today
Interviews with current experts and aficionados • Exploration of modern-day cigar lounges, festivals, and trends
Future of Smoke: Predictions & Possibilities
Expert predictions on the trajectory of cigar culture • Potential innovations and changes in consumption and production